I almost feel like these two are the same type of gears grinding in the opposite direction. Both superbly creative minds, one defined and one abstract, if you will. This is one of my favorites.
Name: Christina
Age: 20
Occupation: Full time student, office worker
Hometown: Fort Washington, MD
Relationship Status: Single
What physical attributes attract you to a man?
I'm not really big on physical attributes, but I do notice a man's smile. If you have a beautiful smile and use it often that is an automatic attraction. Secondly would have to be the skin and lastly a fresh shape-up and nice facial hair. And oh yeah, height seeing as I'm 5'10"...
What intangible characteristics do you find important?
Honesty, creativity, goal-oriented, intelligent.
What's your favorite thing about Black men?
Their ability to stand out.
Would you date men of other races? Why or why not?
I would date men of other races because as long as we make a mental connection frivolous things like race will not come in the way.
If you could tell Black men everywhere the most perfect piece of advice, what would it be?
To open up your hearts and not be afraid to love.
If you could pick anyone in the world to take on a romantic date, who would it be?
Hmm that's hard...NOT! Of course, Kanye West.
Christian's interview was the first ever "What Do You Want?!" profile that was recorded. There might be more of this in the future!
Age: 22
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Silver Spring, MD
Relationship Status: Single
What physical attributes attract you to a woman?
Her butt. I just like thick, voluptuous women. I mean the face is all right, but it all starts at the core.
What intangible characteristics do you find important?
Independence. Devotion to themselves, not to me. That's key.
[I asked Christian to elaborate on what he meant by devotion and here's the low down..]
You've got to be about you, you can't be worrying about me all the time. If you're worrying about me all the time the relationship's going to be all about me. I'm not going to stress you about what you do because I'll be doing me. I don't want you stressing me about what I do because I'll still be doing me. At the end of the day, that devotion you have to yourself over the devotion you have to me.
What's your favorite thing about Black women?
The way... I don't want to say that this a bad thing because it can also be their downfall. The way they just are. Black women are not... It's like they need you, but they don't need you. They'll leave you real quick, then they'll come back even quicker. I don't know how to explain it. It's them not needing me. Out of everybody, Black women I'd probably say are the most unsubmissive. If that explains it at all.
Would you date women of other races? Why or why not?
Yes! Because they are submissive and I can have my way with them. Not my way, but there would be very, very little argument. I'm not the type to argue, like other races don't argue. But I don't really mess with other races because I really do just like Black girls. You've got to be mixed with Black, have some of that in you.
If you could tell Black women everywhere the most perfect piece of advice, what would it be?
To listen and communicate. Black women don't listen or communicate. They get very emotional real quick. That's all I've got for you, to listen and communicate.
If you could pick anyone in the world to take on a romantic date, who would it be?
It would be you, Kassandre. Because honestly, you're a great friend and I just appreciate everything you do for me right now. Like even right now, where I'm at right now, you're helping me out. So, it would be you.
If you would like to submit a "What Do You Want?!" profile, please email JadoreMissEmme@gmail.com with "profile" as the subject.
bisou, bisou
Miss Emme
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