It began as a hope for a better Morgan. Student Government Association was an entity that worked for the students. The ideal SGA member has no hidden agendas, is a hard worker and is passionate about Morgan State University and seeing its wonderful legacy being continued. However, the SGA elections of Spring 2009 have been the expression of the exact opposite. Friendships have been battered by ambitions, unity discarded for division and Morgan spirit traded for personal gain. Where have all the good clean races gone?
This campaign season has been nothing short of intense and insane. Horrible rumors have been spread, personal property defaced and tears have been shed. The interesting thing was that it was not only the behavior of certain candidates that was questionable, but moreso the actions of the campaign teams. I've heard everything from flyers being plastered to cars with packaging tape to candidates being accused of stealing SGA money. The members of these teams have been caught up in a mob mentality that made friends become adversaries.
And just as everyone else, I awaited the results yesterday at 12pm. Unfortunately, they weren't to my liking, but I'm just one person. A lot of people weren't afraid to voice their disappointment in the results, as well as point out the "funny" numbers. I had received text messages, Facebook messages and phone calls about the actual voting and votes. I was curious as to why the change in email wasn't released to the student body as campaigning began. Why were a lot people I knew unable to vote regardless of changing their emails? Why was it that people logged in to vote and the system claimed they voted already? It seems as if the majority is in disagreeance with the elected candidates, but the numbers speak differently.
At the end of it all, everything happens for a reason. Good luck to all those SGA elect members, just remember to do right by the student body. SGA is SGA! To all those candidates that didn't win, I'm sure you've got far more in store not just for Morgan, but for the world. Peace & Blessings!
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