Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh Em Gee!

One of my favorite couples is officially en route of divorce!! Nas and Kelis [who's 7 months pregnant] have officially filed for divorce and it was confirmed about 7 hours ago. They've only been married three years, but it seemed so much longer. Nas and Kelis were that perfect, quirky, Bigga* alternative couple. Guess nothing's really what it seems like.
There had been rumors of Kelis cheating on Nas with rapper/producer Infra-Red a while back. Not to mention the rumors about Nas cheating on Kelis as well. Vibe has a copy of the divorce papers up and it cites "verbal abuse" and "infidelity." And to think he has that tattoo of her on his arm, smh. So, I take it no one's gonna match up to Will and Jada, huh?

Please note the naked Kelis on his right arm!

But I loved them while they lasted...sigh.

*[Bigga = Jay-Z & Beyonce a.k.a Bey & Jigga= Bigga. I swear I didn't come up with it on my own!]

bisou bisou

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Who's Hot

Hey lovelies! It's that time again. Here are my picks for this week's Who's Hot!

Hot Female Celeb of the Week is.....

Chrisette Michele! Just a shot of her arriving to a show in ATL. Her look here is super clean, simple and effortless. That's what makes it so hot. I love it. Don't forget Epiphany drops May 5th.

This weeks Hot Celeb Male is....

The ever-so-sexy, Tyson Beckford! The man rides around the Village in NYC sans helmet, pretending not to be seen. Even with all the rumors about him and this fake candid shot, you cannot deny the man's sex appeal.

:: Credits to awesome Concrete Loop for the flicks ::

bisou bisou

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

B. Scott says... Do You!

Anyone who knows miss.εmmε™ knows that she is a fan of the internet personality, B. Scott. Just call me a lovemuffin ! He recently did a post addressing society and its perception of gay people, specifically amongst people of color. Being that I had just had a conversation of the same caliber with someone very close to me, I thought I'd share this video. He makes a lot of points that I agree with. If not enlightened at least you'll be entertained. B. Scott just has that personality.

miss.εmmε™'s got love for the LGBT community. Later lovelies!

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