Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What Do You Want?! : The Pioneers

This is the first post [outside of my own] of the "What Do You Want?!" feature. Every week, I'll be spotlighting a young man and young woman who were brave enough to disclose their preferences. These two can be considered the pioneers because they were the first to respond to my request [thanks a million!]. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Thomas...

Name: Thomas N. Wynder
Age: early 20s 
Occupation:  Fashion Retail Management
Hometown: Detroit, MI [DETROIT WHAT!!!!!]
Relationship Status: Single

What physical attributes attract you to a woman? 
Height, I'm 6'4"...

What intangible attributes do you find important? 
Intelligence, confidence, class, culture, drive. 

What's your favorite thing about Black women? 
Their uniqueness. 

Would you date women of other races? Why or why not? 
Depends on what we mean by date... Casually, yes. Seriously, no. As my mother once told me, it is the ultimate disrespect to bring someone home to your mother who has nothing in common with her. 

If you could tell Black women everywhere the most perfect piece of advice, what would it be? 
Pursue what it is that you desire from life, not a man. 

This one's for fun! If you could pick anyone in the world to take on a romantic date, who would it be? 
Halle Berry

...and Tamille!

Name: Tamille
Age: 23
Occupation: Library Office Aide
Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Relationship Status: Single

What physical attributes attract you to a man?

I'm pretty flexible when it comes to looks. I think beauty comes in all shades and forms. 

What intangible characteristics do you find important? 
Honesty, integrity, intelligence, dependability, loyalty. 

What's your favorite thing about Black men?
Sharing a common culture. I've dated outside my race before and sometimes when you make a joke about childhood or being raised by a black mother they don't get it but you know a black man is going to know exactly what you're talking about. 

Would you date men of other races?  Why or why not?
I've done it twice, because like I said beauty comes in all shades and forms. What's more important to me is how he treats me. 

If you could tell Black men everywhere the most perfect piece of advice, what would it be? 
If you come across a real woman in your life don't mess around and loose her. You'll regret later. 

This one's for fun! If you could pick anyone in the world to take on a romantic date, who would it be?
Drake or Aubrey Graham or Wheelchair Jimmy, whatever you know him as lol

Thank you guys! It was a treat to receive these!!

If you want to be featured in a "What Do You Want?!" post, email JadoreMissEmme@gmail.com with "interview" in the subject. 

bisou, bisou
Miss Emme

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