"Do you really think that guys notice that?" My friend chuckled at that fact that women wear mascara and false lashes to make their eyes stand out and essentially seem more attractive. "Who told you that? A girl told you that?"
Who set the standards? Why do we really wear mascara? Who do we wear the mascara for? Now, don't get me wrong. I like to play in make-up as much as the next M.A.C. girl, but I never really questioned why I was wearing make-up.
Everything from how women wear make-up and how we do our hair, to the tight jeans that show off the cheeks and the bra that pushes breasts into the heavens is a part of beautifying and enhancing ourselves. But for who? If the men don't notice the details, who do we dress up for? I know there is a slew of you saying that we do it for ourselves, to make ourselves feel good and to express ourselves outwardly. That's perfectly fine. However, our outward appearance does greatly affect how we feel. For instance a bad hair day can ruin any woman's mood whether or not anyone else seems to notice.
Appearance is an important part of attraction. It's the first few seconds that determine whether or not conversation will be held to find out what goes along with the facade. Women, especially those seeking out a partner, invest in that attraction. Lest we not forget that beauty is a multi-million dollar industry with Black women making sure that their "hair's done, nails done, everything did."
We continue to suck it, tuck it, sew it, push it, brush it, hide it and reveal it in order to pull the right man. If we have to do all of that, are we really attracting the right mate? What is a young Black man attracted to, anyway? And what attributes are going to help you get past the second date?
Thus, begins my quest! I am going to find out what it is that Black men want and share it with you all. What do you think?
bisou, bisou
Miss Emme
Yeah I'm pretty interested to know what men want too... I mean, they go back and forth so much I don't think they know what the hell they want.. for example- a lady in the streets but a freak in the sheets?! but if they don't act like a freak in the streets then u pay them no mind... ppssshhhh just thinking about how confusing men can be is exhausting and i quit... #teamsingle #pow
ReplyDeleteWhat men want:
ReplyDelete1) It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks, cleans and has a job
2) It's important to have a woman who can make u laugh
3) It's important to have a woman you can trust and who would never lie
4) It's important to have a woman who is good and bed and likes being with you
5) It's absolutely vital...that these four women don't know each other. :)
LOL Ronald is an idiot