Hey lovelies. I want to apologize to you all. I was going to give up on writing this blog and I thought about writing again and again and finally got the gall to continue. J'adore Miss.Emme will be continuing. No more major hiatuses! Promise!
So, back to the story!! As you know I've been transitioning on this quest to natural hair. Anyone who knows me also knows that I'm a little bit of a control freak and a bit on the impatient side [hey! everyone has their flaws, right?].
With this desperation to be free of permed ends, I strolled into my bathroom and commenced in cutting off my own hair. I made the first few snips and thought "what the hell am I doing!?!?" Yet, I couldn't stop and the further I got I realized there was no turning back.
When I was done I was scared, I was shocked at myself and I honestly thought I made a huge mistake. I kept a hat on for a few days only sent pictures and warnings to certain people lol. But I slowly and surely grew to love it more and more.
It's healthy, strong, soft and really cute. Oh, I can't forget well taken care of. Plus, I can wear a lot more cool hair accessories. I'm proud to be natural and loving my big chop more and more everyday!
bisou bisou
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